🎈#Desflurane has a saturated vapour pressure of 664 mm of Hg @ 20 degree C and a boiling point of 22.6 degree C
🎈This is less than other agents; thus it requires a specific vaporizer
🎈The Tec Mk 6 vaporizer is a plenum vaporizer and is designed for desflurane.
🎈It operates at 39 °C and 2 atmospheres (All other vaporizers operate at atmospheric pressure and temperature).
🎈It takes 5–10 minutes to warm up to the correct temperature.
🎈It will not operate until the vaporisation chamber has reached 39 °C.
🎈It needs an external power supply, and it has a 9 V battery as a backup in case of mains failure.
🎈Unlike other plenum vaporisers, the Tec Mk 6 vaporizer is designed so that the fresh gas flow does not enter the chamber. The desflurane vapour is added to the fresh gas flow as it leaves the vaporiser.
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Reference: Al-Shaikh B, Stacey S. Essentials of Anaesthetic Equipment, 2nd edn. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2002